Concrete and Wood Surface Mounted Park Bench

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Product Overview:
This version of the Concrete and Wood Park Bench allows for direct installation on grade.
Length x 27 3/4" x 36" H

This version of the Concrete and Wood Park Bench allows for direct installation on grade. The cut out in the leg area includes a hole for an anchor bolt where security is desired. The versatility of placing a bench directly on grade allows for this bench style to be added to any area, whether it is a new or established setting. A hard surface, such as concrete or pavers, or a crushed gravel footing is recommended for a level installation.  See installation tab for details

Sizes: Available in 4', 6' and 8' lengths. Longer lengths by request.


4' - 4' x 27 3/4" x 36"
6' - 6' x 27 3/4" x 36"
8' - 8' x 27 3/4" x 36"

Material: Concrete with Natural and Recycled Plastic Lumber 

Finish: Natural Concrete

Structure: 2 or 3 support legs, 8 slats, security head hardware

Options: Installation on grade with option to anchor to footing.

Assembled Weights:

4' - 360 pounds
6' - 532 pounds
8' - 750 pounds

Additional Information: Select lumber style from option list. Benches with Cumaru lumber are the most economical. Premium options include Kebony radiata pine, American White Oak painted Central Park Green and Recycled Plastic Lumber with additional steel bracing.




Specifications: DOC

3238-D: PDF / DWG
3238-D-RPL-8: PDF / DWG

Installation & Assembly:
1. Slab Installation - 5'' below grade
2. Extended Slab Installation - 10'' below grade
3. Pier Type Installation - 30'' below grade

Information Sheets:
Seating Considerations
Seating Materials